September 9th, 2001, Sunday Morning
(Church Service two days before "9/11")
"Absolute Assurance"
Having the knowledge of eternal life and to confront others' philosophies
OPENING: 1 John 5:9-13 KJV
- This week, two Jehovah's witnesses visited Pastor Byrd's house and knocked on the door.
- Pastor Byrd listened and asked them if they'd be one of the "eternal
people to live on the new earth" (meaning being saved)
and neither of the men could answer.
- These witnesses have been studying their religion for 36 years because they believe it takes
works and jobs and tasks to get into heaven. However, Pastor Byrd witnessed that we (all people)
are saved by grace through faith alone--not by any working.
- Ephesians 2:8-10: This Bible reference was cited to the Jehovah's witnesses as proof
that believing in Jesus Christ is enough and not by doing any work to get into Heaven.
- In turn, the Witnesses could not cite any of their scripture/belief that they are guaranteed
to enter Heaven
- SUMMARY: These men have spent 36 years of their time in study and have not come
one inch closer to GOD or entry to Heaven.
- Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe Jesus was GOD in the flesh ... yet they
couldn't prove their point.
- John 1:1 and 1:14: They claim this verse was a mistake in the Bible.
- The Jehovah's Witness mission is to make everyone be nice to each other. These are good
intentions but it doesn't take care of the core problem--sin.
Today, too many Christians have run from religious conversations because
they don't know what or why they believe what they believe.
1 John 5:13: GOD wants you to know what to believe. The truth will
more than set you free--it will give you eternal life.
- The verse was written to two classes of people: believers
(saved) and non-believers (lost).
- GOD wants you to know where you're going before you go because
once you go, there's no changing, ever.
- 1 John 5:10: When folks come to you with false teaching
(i.e., Jehovah's Witnesses, the lost), you have an opportunity to give them the truth.
- The pastor's job is to equip you with the word of GOD so you can
combat false teaching at these times of opportunity
- Ecclesiastes 9:5: As Job said, "The living know that they shall die"
and the un-saved will not.
- Without knowing where you're going you won't be effective in witnessing to others.
- Galatians 2:21: Only death comes by the law. The law cannot give life
or make us righteous (and we all deserve death--Romans 3:23: "for all have sinned").
- Mark 16:15: GOD's Word says we're to go to all nations and preach to everyone
the Good News.
- 1 Corinthians 15:3: Jesus not only died but died for our
- 1 Corinthians 15:4: Even if there were no witnesses in the world today,
Jesus resurrected according to the scriptures
- Ephesians 4:14: Those who claim to see Elvis
today are lying. Those who claim to see Mohammed rise are lying.
Too many Christians don't have 100% hope in Heaven so they spend all their
time in this life grabbing all of this world's gusto they can--living as there is no tomorrow.
"How can you know you're going to Heaven when you die?" - 3 things
- 1. By the authority of GOD's Word (1 John 5:13)
- Titus 1:2-3: This hope is not a wishful assurance. Before GOD
formed the world, before He said "let there be light", GOD already had the plan
to redeem man back to Himself. He didn't need to wait to see anything because HE knew our
end before we began.
- GOD knew man would choose death over life and dark over light
GOD said, in effect, "I'm gonna make man and he will fail but I'll love him anyway.
However, the price of sin is death. All man will die. What shall I do?
I'll give my son a ransom that satisfies the cost of all the sins of the world so that
man--WHO GETS SAVED--may be seen as clean and
righteous because of Jesus paying for his sins and therefore have eternal salvation."
(John 3:16)
- 2. Assurance within
- Romans 8:9: Bible says GOD's spirit is with our spirit--within
- It doesn't mean you believe in yourself but you believe in GOD
- Don't treat GOD like a politician. Jesus didn't die for the "sins
of the world" but for YOURS
- 2 Timothy 1:12: Paul is affirming two things:
- 1. I know whom I believe--in Jesus Christ; the person he's placed
100% of his faith and trust in
- 2. I am persuaded of the work He did is sufficient ... meaning that even until
the end of the world, no more is required that what's already been given.
- Proverbs 22:15: None of us enter the world as being good.
Conversely, most of us come in acting downright bad.
- Colossians 2:14: Jesus nailed all of mans sins and transgressions
to cross so believer's sin is left unpaid for to the end of the world!
- To "know" is to be assured.
Consider how the Bible uses this exact word:
- 1 John 2:3: We "know" Him (or are assured) if we keep His
- 1 John 3:14: We "know" that the
saved have already passed from the pending death
to eternal life.
- John 16:2: Many actions will be done in name of GOD that are
done in pure hated ... but GOD is love. From this, we can conclude that if
killing (or terrorism) is done in the name of Allah then Allah is not a living god.
- Ezekiel 33:11: Further, unlike other faiths that require death if
you do not believe in them, the true, living GOD here says He takes "no pleasure in the
death of the wicked".
- Matthew 7:20-21: Just by shouting or calling Jesus' name with
solely your mouth doesn't mean you're saved.
Neither does believing only that Jesus, GOD, Heaven and hell exist. After all, even
Satan believes in GOD. That does not allow Satan back into heaven.
- Do not give "lip service" to GOD nor believe that just because a close member of
your family is a church member or preacher means you're going to Heaven. You have to believe
for yourself and have your own assurance.
3. The announcement without
- Acts 4:13: The saved
love one another, stick together and are full of joy ... something this world is losing more
every day. The lost will notice this and eventually say, "They have something I would like, too!"
Assurance has nothing to do with eternal security. Eternal Security is that which
GOD grants to save you to the end day;
Either He saves you or He doesn't--and that's 100% YOUR decision.
The purpose of this sermon is to strengthen your feelings so that that you're
not persuaded by every new idea, trend, and philosophy that the world introduces daily
(Ephesians 4:14)
If someone comes and knocks on your door, and you don't confront their claim
then shame on you. With all the church and Sunday school we have, we should know what
and why we believe. We should welcome the opportunity to speak to anyone about the
Salvation we have in Jesus Christ
Be like Paul before King Agrippa (Acts 25:23 - 26:28).
Paul wasn't trembling--he was bold and happy and knowledgeable about his testimony.
Paul counts it a privilege to tell
- Acts 26:28: King Agrippa's response was just after the first visit.
And King said before his court to everyone, "You almost converted me."
- Philippians 2:7: That's the problem with people that have nobility
and reputation--you have to maintain that image.