November 9th, 2003, Sunday Morning Veteran's Day Week
"Giving Thanks"
An impromptu, Pre-Thanksgiving Message on What Specifically to be Thankful For
OPENING: 1 Timothy 1:12
In the New Testament, Paul instructors his student and protegee, Timothy, in how to succeed him in the then-world
of mean and lost people; teaching five rules of God, in particular:
Rejoice and give thanks to God always (1 Thessalonians 1:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and 2 Thessalonians 1:3)
Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
In all things give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18 and 2 Thessalonians 2:13)
Respect appointed government officials (1 Timothy 2:1-3)
(Daniel 2:21: After all, those in public positions are there only because God allowed it
--not because
a disputed ballot count was "resolved" by the judicial system)
Keep morally clean/pure (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5,7)
We don't know how today will unfold but what we are certain of each day is that we are commanded by God to
give thanks--individually and corporately (together--as a church)
Hebrews 10:25: And while going to church is not a requirement to be saved, God expects you to gather
yourselves together regularly--which is in the context of church
Ephesians 1:3-11: None of us in this world--from the most lost and sinning person to the most
obedient saved person--can comprehend how blessed we (the saved) are or (the lost) can be; the following are some declarations
and promises by God made to you BEFORE THE WORLD WAS FORMED AND some things God does for you daily (if you're saved):
v.4: That God knew you and chose you for the free gift of eternal life "before the foundation
of the world" (if you accept so you can become saved)
v.5: That God's gift of eternal salvation means you are worthy to--today--be called a saint: a
son/daughter of God because, logically, God is your Father and you will enter into the family of the living God where all
other saved people of today's world--those you do and don't know--are your family relatives
v.8: That God will give you a share of His wisdom each day to meet the day's difficulties (if you ask it)
v.9: That God has sent pastors and preachers (Ephesians 4:11-12) to our
churches so they can interpret the Bible for us so we, who are not as knowledgeable, can understand God's word in our own
v.11: That your purpose in life and a Heavenly (after-this-world) inheritance have already
been chosen and established, respectively, by God
How many times have you escaped a situation you believed was inescapable or accomplished something you
thought was impossible? It's not luck--it's Philippians 4:13 that makes this possible (and recurring)
How many times have things not gone your way but find later, in retrospect, that it was really better your
original plan didn't work out? It's not because of fate but because of the verse in the exact middle of the Bible--Psalm 118:8
1 Timothy 1:12: Therefore, for all these good things, give your thanks to and only to God
Mark 8:38: And moreover (and perhaps more difficult), be publicly proud and unashamed of God
to both the lost and saved of this world; this doesn't imply wearing Christian clothing every day--examples include rebuking
your friends for taking God's name in vain, publicly confessing Christ as your Savior in church where you should be
baptized with water for all the congregation to witness and singing the Sunday hymns from the heart--not from the mouth
TESTIMONY: In April of 1997, my church, Village Parkway Baptist of San Antonio, began its struggle in
dealing with its $1,023,853.18 debt. The "Long-Range Planning Committee" was formed to attack this debt, relying on God's
guidance and direction for how to do it. Through the ability of re-finance interest rates and, establish the "Keep the
Dream Alive" (KDA) program to put monetary donations and offerings directly against the loan's principal and holding the
annual "Harvest Day Banquet," the committee was able to forecast what they titled, "Debt Free in 2003." With the debt
falling faster than the committee projected, a ceremonial mortgage contract-burning took place one Sunday morning, 65 months
(September of 2002) later, signifying the full recompense of one million dollars plus interest.
The thanks, appreciation and glory was not to the congregation or to those who made the greatest financial or laboring
contributions but solely to God for working through us--the church--for making our church's financial independence possible
#1/3: HE STRENGTHENS US (Philippians 4:13)
"who hath enabled me": Enabled = strengthened; God (unlike certain U.S. Presidents) truly feels your
pain; He knows how hard/difficult circumstances are for you:
Loneliness or being hated (the world hated Jesus before it hated Christians--John 15:18)
Strife within the family (which is synonymous to divisions in God's churches we see even today)
Loss of immediate family members (God lost His only Son)
Some ask why some "unbearable" pains can't be taken from them; God tests and proves you to the world by
giving to the strength to overcome rather than have the challenge taken away from you; this also results in others being
spiritually motivated by these former role models who have overcome many situations this world declared impossible to overcome
Romans 5:3: Enduring tribulations increases your level of patience
2 Corinthians 12:8-10: Paul had a pain so unbearable to him, he asked God three times to remove it
but God did not; God told Paul his strength by God in Paul's times of weakness; Therefore, Paul now is happy in times of
pain, weakness and in being mocked by others because he knows it's at times of tribulation that God makes him strong
Matthew 26:39: God didn't exempt even His own Son from such situations--Jesus didn't want to go
through His forthcoming crucifixion but at the end of His prayer, He asked for God's will--not His own
2 Thessalonians 1:4: To be saved doesn't exempt you from trials and tribulations which,
as the Bible declares, you will experience in this life; So always prepare yourself for "the worst-case
scenario" by remembering the past victories of the saints (like Jesus and Paul) and all the victories God has given
you in your life up to now
Realize that the Creator of the universe, who is perfect and expects us to meet that standard, still allows
us the privilege to serve Him even though we are flawed and disobey Him daily
1 Timothy 1:13,15: Paul considered himself the "chief of all sinners" and therefore has a greater
appreciation for being to carry out important missions for God--knowing that he, before becoming saved, was not
only a sinner but a strong Christian persecutor
To be faithful means serving not only God but the people (i.e., supporting your family, membership in church
programs and excelling in your job)
God put the career desire in you from the beginning so you'd want to learn it so you can enter the job (that
God sets up for you) that's related to that education
Ephesians 4:11: "And he [God] gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" means that not everyone is meant to be a preacher or pastor; and yet your role
is no less important than that of a preacher or pastor
If an entire church was in the choir or Sunday school teachers, where would the congregation or student body be?
It would be unbalanced
1 Timothy 1:14: "And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant" simply means there's more
than enough to go around for everyone--no matter how deep or frequently you sin; if you're saved, your final sin is already
Romans 6:15: However, at the same time, being under this blanket of grace doesn't
mean we have a "license to sin"; While we are not perfect, Jesus' says on His Sermon on the Mount, "Be ye therefore
perfect" (Matthew 5:48), meaning to be as obedient to God and sinless as possible, daily
This grace (which you should pray for daily) applies not only spiritually but affects your daily life, too;
When you give to God (i.e., money, service, church), God repays you multiple times over--whether it be through money or
"things going your way" or answered prayers beyond your expectations, etc.; this validates the adage that "you can't outgive
1 Timothy 1:15: The purpose of Jesus Christ coming into the world and why churches exist
today: "that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"
People quit/falter in the face of difficulty so quickly because if they perceive its them--one person--vs.
overwhelming hated, evil and opposition, in numbers and strength; However, those saved in Christ win because they not only
have the knowledge that they can overcome every time because God is with them but that we already know that God wins
the final battle, come the end of this world--the end of "the story" has already been written and declared!
EXAMPLE: The U.S. conquering Baghdad in March/April 2003 was easy--to "win the war" is difficult;
rather than have faith to believe victory in the end, some already question (i.e., easily lose faith)
whether we can achieve the U.S.' ultimate goal in Iraq simply because it's not happening at the "fast-food" pace this
world is growing accustomed to
ASK YOURSELF: How many major conflicts or wars have been won in history in less than, say, six months?
Part of having faith is having patience and understanding that events that happen to reach an end-goal don't necessarily
occur the way man wants them to (i.e., win the war with zero casualties)
In this world, God has already defined your role, provided you the tools to conquer and help others, and commissioned you
worthy to serve Him on earth and then join Him in Heaven (with a personal inheritance, to boot) after this world--you have
all you need already
Matthew 25:21: The perfect way to "end your tour on Earth" is for Jesus, upon His soon return for
the saved (the Rapture) to declare to you, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"
Matthew 22:37-39: The best way to serve God is to first love God with all your heart, soul and
mind, and then your neighbor as yourself; these are the great two of which all other commandments derive (in other words,
by following these two, you're actually obeying all of them)
The most powerful man in the world--the President of the United States--is one mortal man who can rule (serve)
a maximum of eight years; But as Christians, Christ comes before country and Jesus Christ created the world, surveys
and rules all and lives forever
There are many (false) gods served in the world: television, computer, antique cars, career, etc. but there's
only one Living God and that's Christ; you can't serve more than one God--choose to be saved today!
Therefore, daily--and Thanksgiving (NOT "TURKEY") Day, especially--give thanks, glory and honor to the One who first loved
and gave to you
ASIDE: Take notice of how Satan works in subtle ways to remove God from holidays that were originally
dedicated to Him: Thanksgiving is now being called "Turkey Day," Christmas is "X-Mas" and Easter is about bunnies and eggs