According to General Tommy Franks, in his book, "American Soldier," the press pool often broadcast negative and false reports of the Allies' progress in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. It was on the very days the Americans won the major conflict (25-27 March 2003) with air power against the Iraqi Republican Guard that the press was broadcasting a doom-and-gloom report (i.e., "troops bogged down," "stalled in the face of stiffening resistance," "mounting casualties") because of a zero-visibility sandstorm that hit the American troops.
    As you can conclude, watching TV and seeing the reality are not the same. It is the same way with the study of God's Word. If you listen to the people of this world who think they know better and constantly talk about how wrong everyone else is, life would be difficult. However, God's Word (the Bible) gives us a 100% accurate perspective that's guaranteed to give your life success, in the face of challenges believed to be insurmountable to others.

  • What's the benefit/purpose of studying the Bible? To positively impact your family, friends and the lost souls (unsaved) of this world


    • Mark 12:30-31: The "first great commandment" is to love God; the "second great commandment" is to love your neighbor as yourself

    • 1 Corinthians 8:1: One consequence of being educated (i.e., PhD, doctor, scientist) is a superiority complex (believing you're better than others) whereas you cannot go wrong with charity (love) toward others

    • 1 Timothy 1:5: Charity comes from a "pure heart" which comes from God's grace, acquired when you become saved (the moment Christ enters and lives within you)

    • Jeremiah 17:9: Love and kindness toward others does not come naturally; we must study what love means and how it can be applied to others

      • 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: The Bible's definition of love:

        • Patient: you will not lose your temper with those whom you perceive to be slower/less intelligent than you; you are "longsuffering" with annoyances/difficulties

        • Kind: it is never about you but about helping others

        • Not jealous: you are content with what God's given you--not envious of what your neighbor has; otherwise, you're saying what God's given you is unsatisfactory

        • Not boastful: not trying to impress everyone with your accomplishments; after all, it's God who gave you the strength to complete the job--you cannot do anything of your own strength

        • Not arrogant: God treats everyone as equal (1 Peter 1:17); there is no man who is better than another

        • Not act unseemly: no bad behavior that embarrasses others, acting in defiance of social/moral standards

        • Not seeking your own glory: the answer to the time-old question of, "what's my purpose in life?" is to find and serve God

        • Not provoked: you are not irritated/angered by others; otherwise, they control you

          • It takes no control to lose self-control

        • Does not remember wrongs: when you forgive someone, you also forget, just as we want God to forgive and forget our transgressions against Him when we pass from this world

        • Does not rejoice over another's loss (Proverbs 24:17-18)

    • John 13:35: Jesus said men will know you're His disciples through your demonstration of love toward others


    • A good/tempered conscience is critical in life

      • 1 Peter 3:16: If you are truly known as a godly/loving person, the accusations of you to others may fall upon deaf ears

        • Matthew 5:10: And moreover, to be falsely spoken against (wronged) will turn into a blessing from God upon you

      • Hebrews 13:18: A good conscience is an attitude which must be prayed for

    • We are unable to love others unless we have a good conscience

      • Hebrews 9:14: Our conscience is cleansed and renewed through the saving blood of Jesus Christ

      • You accept personal responsibility for your life and actions (while, today, most people blame others and circumstances of life for how they acted)

      • Jeremiah 17:9: You learn the core evil is the heart of man; You learn and practice God's Word to combat it's selfish desires

      • Matthew 12:36: You recognize you have no chance of escape from God's judgment; you will be accountable for every word spoken in your life

      • Scripture teaches that if you're saved, you will not be condemned on Judgment Day

      • 2 Corinthians 5:17: Scripture teaches that no matter how bad/undeserving a person believes to be, they can start over again, through salvation

    • And by having this good conscience, we are free and not inhibited/threatened from ministering to (teaching/helping) others

    • A good conscience comes from living a godly life

      • A daily study of the scripture will preserve your good conscience

      • You'll sleep better at night; enjoy life more; people will want to be around you because they feel safe

      • Sin and immorality will constantly bother your conscience


    • Opposite of sincere is hypocritical

      • Cynics believe religion is a means of personal gain in life; They believe it is a fake show; Consequently, if they believe the religion is fake, you'll believe you are, too

    • But as you study God's Word (scripture), it makes your faith real that Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life

      • You strive to live a life pleasing to God

      • You are not dictated by fear, others or circumstances of this world--only by faith in Christ

    • Your faith is tested daily and it begins every Sunday, the moment you walk outside the church doors from the morning service

    • Romans 10:17: Faith comes to you ONLY from reading God's Word (Bible)

  • Matthew 5-7: The result of the application of love (per Jesus' Sermon on the Mount):
    UNSAVED SAVED (disciple of Christ)
    If someone wrongs you Wrong them back Turn the other cheek
    If someone wants to sue you Sue them back Give him what he wants (Christians do not sue each other)
    If you're forced to "go a mile" Do a poor quality job, drudgingly Go above and beyond the requirement (i.e., two miles)
    If someone needs help Help only if its convenient/rewarding to you Help them (true sacrifice is helping others at a cost to yourself)
    Treat your enemies... Ruthlessly With kindness and patience
    Pray for and help... Only friends Both friends and enemies

    • Why treat enemies with such love?

        1. To demonstrate the true love of Christ, of whom you are a saved ambassador
        2. You might win that person over to Christ

    • The more you study the scripture, the stronger your faith will be

    • 1 Timothy 1:5-7: If you fail verse 5--a loss of charity and good conscience--then you fall into verses 6-7: you fall into the trap of the gossip and vain theories of this world (i.e., "big bang" theory, theory of evolution, secular/scientific explanations for world events)

    • Your reaction to people/events in life defines your true character; if it is a negative reaction, you missed something in Sunday School/service