• Today, most Christians believe that once they're saved, knowing Jesus Christ is the Savior is enough. Yet, scripture states we are to continue to grow in grace.

  • How much do you really know Him? Do you know Him as your "exceeding great reward"? Your hightower? Your shield? Your counselor? Your provider?

  • You must begin with enriching your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. No one else can do it for you. You are accountable to yourself.

  • Enrichment is like bearing fruit through fertilization. To enrich, one must have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Enhancement is to raise, lift, heighten, increase...

  • James 2:17: On judgment day, many will claim to be saved and do nothing more in their life. As it is written here, faith without good works is dead. As such, these people will stand before GOD saying, "I knew you! I spoke of your name!" and Jesus will say "depart from me. I never knew you."

  • 2 Corinthians 13:5: As this scripture says, we must examine ourselves to make sure we are in accordance with Biblical standards.
  • Saving faith is not:
  • Saving faith is:

  • 1 Chronicles 28:9: You should not only recognize GOD but know Him more intimately and follow His commandments. We must enhance the quality of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Jesus Christ is not just the fire escape from hell but someone who is closer than a brother. He's never lost a fight.