December 3rd, 2000, Sunday Evening
"Are you Displaying Heaven's Attitude?"
Emulating Christ
(Special REVIVAL Speaker: Pastor Jim Payne)
OPENING: Revelation 5:12, KJV
Galatians 4:4: The Gospel, in a nutshell, is this:
- When the time was right, Jesus Christ, our Savior, was born
- He lived 33.5 years in perfect following of GOD
- He lived 3.5 years in His ministry and was then crucified
- He was resurrected (Acts 1:9-11)
- He WILL come again for us
It's truly SAD when a lost person, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, misses
eternal salvation by just the breath of a saving
sentence from their lips.
All other world's religions (successors of the King James Bible, cults, etc.)
are complications of the heart, wit, and pride of man.
- Some churches won't allow membership unless you "speak their tongue," been
baptized, or have the same beliefs they do. Some churches believe a water baptism
saves your soul. This is FALSE.
- Man's conception of the "evolutionary theory" and the "ascent of man" theory
are the same people who have grown old, hair turned gray, and teeth all fallen out.
It's all a man-made lie.
- What GOD requires of you to be saved
is all belief--not works. In other words, you have to work
(2 Thessalonians 3:10) to get through life on earth but not one good work
by you for man is good enough for GOD (Isaiah 64:6). So don't think you
can enter heaven by your good works--a BIG misconception, today
America has lost its way because it's not recognizing/preparing for the return
of Jesus Christ. Abortion issues and Election2000 chaos doesn't even compare to the return
of Christ!
Today people are too busy. Walkers of their own lusts and pleasures.
People say, "none of us can live forever" but once GOD puts your soul into you
at birth, you're alive FOREVER.
Revelation 5:11: Notice everyone in Heaven is happy to be there--praising
GOD. Compare this to the attitude of men on earth who believes He's worthy of DEATH.
Colossians 1:16 then John 19:4-7: GOD's own creation turned on
Him. Christ suffered, died, and rose again. Man feels his mightiest in this temporal life
when he has power and success but upon Christ's return, all man will be acknowledging Him.
- Matthew 12:22-24: Jesus was given the power to heal and cast out
demons who possessed men
- The Pharisees called Jesus "Beelzebub" because of his ability to cast
out demons. In effect, our Saviour was referred to as "the lord of the flies," "the
epitome of all filth," and into bestiality, by the Pharisees
- This is the attitude of the world today--calling the most righteous man who
ever walked the earth Beelzebub
- All men want power and lust after others'. Jesus Christ was a threat to
the authority, power, and social control of the Pharisees
- This is what makes Heaven so wonderful--all there claim they're unworthy and
step back, giving all due power to Jesus Christ
- 2 Corinthians 8:9: Jesus could've had it all but decided to give
up his divine powers to Heaven to come down and be born in lonely Bethlehem
- Jesus' pedigree was incestuous people, thieves, great sinners, etc.
- Jesus had to grow up the ridicule and criticisms of his Jewish counterparts because
he had no father (temporally speaking).
- He was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn and
he died alone at the cross where he was buried in a tomb
- Revelation 4:11: He is worthy because He created all
- Maybe you're saved but still aren't giving to the church in offerings or tithes;
If so, your feelings betray you
- 1 Corinthians 1:19: The world describes the "giving to GOD" as
foolish. However, all who oppose are trampled under the Church of Jesus Christ
- Where are those in the former Soviet Union who tried to adopt the
theory of evolution as supreme doctrine and GOD as non-existent? Where are they?!?
- Where is Thomas Jefferson who said, "Take out all the miracles and the bible
is just a book." Where is he?!?
- Where is Thomas Paine who preached up and down the countryside his infidelity?
Where is he?!?
- 2 Corinthians 3:14: Jesus Christ was crucified in weakness (man);
So he was a voluntary sacrifice for you and me
- Jesus Christ is not a weakling like TV portrays Him as
- He was reared 30 years in a carpenter's house and didn't have power tools
- Jesus scared out thieves and robbers in the temple--people who kill and are not
easy to scare! (Matthew 21:12-13)
- He spoke with the power of GOD in the flesh and made people fall back
(John 18:4-6)
- Today, hurricanes rip up the eastern seaboard and the weatherman blames
"mother nature"
- Today, people point out all the deformed births and places/rumors of wars.
However, they aren't looking at the greater number of places where there are no
birth defects and wars. Quit focusing on weaknesses!
- Even the vessels of wrath (Satan, his demons, and hell) praise GOD and acknowledge
His power
- John 8:49: In Heaven, the name "Jesus Christ" is not a slang word,
a dirty word, a by-word, the butt of a joke. It's the name of honor, reverence, and respect
- John 8:50: Christ could have taken all the honor for Himself.
He could've healed himself when they put the crown of thorns on his head and killed Pilate
who stood before Him (Matthew 26:53). But He didn't.
- Galatians 3:13: Christ's coming to earth was a curse for Him because
He knew he would die on a cross which is defined as a curse.
- And that's what the world thinks of Jesus today--they want to put the baby back in
the manger because there, He cannot control and tell the world to turn from its sin.
So have people changed in the last 2,000 years? Most people say yes. However,
you throw a Friday night block party and tell people to bring their bibles because it's
going to be a big biblical study. How many people will actually attend?
No ... people haven't changed.
Do you feel you don't fit into this world as a Christian? None of us do.
We're ambassadors (in Christ) of another place with totally opposite values of this world.
We're not in Heaven yet but by becoming saved,
Jesus has given us the spiritual down payment (eternal salvation with GOD).