• Galatians 4:4: The Gospel, in a nutshell, is this:
  • It's truly SAD when a lost person, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, misses eternal salvation by just the breath of a saving sentence from their lips.

  • All other world's religions (successors of the King James Bible, cults, etc.) are complications of the heart, wit, and pride of man.
  • America has lost its way because it's not recognizing/preparing for the return of Jesus Christ. Abortion issues and Election2000 chaos doesn't even compare to the return of Christ!

  • Today people are too busy. Walkers of their own lusts and pleasures.

  • People say, "none of us can live forever" but once GOD puts your soul into you at birth, you're alive FOREVER.

  • Revelation 5:11: Notice everyone in Heaven is happy to be there--praising GOD. Compare this to the attitude of men on earth who believes He's worthy of DEATH.

  • Colossians 1:16 then John 19:4-7: GOD's own creation turned on Him. Christ suffered, died, and rose again. Man feels his mightiest in this temporal life when he has power and success but upon Christ's return, all man will be acknowledging Him.

  • WHAT JESUS IS WORTHY TO RECEIVE (per Revelation 5:12)

  • So have people changed in the last 2,000 years? Most people say yes. However, you throw a Friday night block party and tell people to bring their bibles because it's going to be a big biblical study. How many people will actually attend? No ... people haven't changed.

  • Do you feel you don't fit into this world as a Christian? None of us do. We're ambassadors (in Christ) of another place with totally opposite values of this world. We're not in Heaven yet but by becoming saved, Jesus has given us the spiritual down payment (eternal salvation with GOD).