August 30th, 2003, Sunday Morning
"Power in Prayer"
You will get the desires of your heart--ON CONDITION
OPENING: John 15:1-11 (key: v.7)
The Bible (Jesus) states many times that if you simple pray and ask, all your wishes and desires will come true:
- Matthew 7:7
- Matthew 21:22
- John 14:13
- James 1:5
(If you specifically ask for wisdom, it will be liberally granted to you)
John 15:7: But this promise of answered prayers is not "a book of signed, blank checks" that can
automatically be cashed--there are conditions you must meet
- Proverbs 29:15: Young children throw tantrums if they don't get everything they want, all the time;
the worst scenario is a child who grows up getting all he wants--all the time
- Parents guide their children by saying "no" to certain things just as God does not grant every single want in our
heart--some desires may not be appropriate
WHAT IF... you went home and found a hundred books of blank, Bill Gates checked, signed by him, waiting
to be cashed? Wouldn't that be fun and exciting? Buy all the things you ever wanted: start with a house; then you'll need
furniture for all the rooms; then the entertainment center(s); then the sports cars for that empty garage; then the stylish clothes
to "make the scene"; then the airplanes and boats for travel, etc.
Now you have all the material things and money of the world--so now what? Time has proven again and again that this life-changing
event only brings emptiness. Material things and power do not bring happiness but great pains of the heart
Consider movie/music stars: how many have ended up arrested, imprisoned, divorced and/or in rehabilitation programs for
drug, alcohol and/or spousal/domestic abuse? Apparently money did not bring the ultimate comfort to these people. Even fictional
movie characters succumb to misery and isolation because of their love for money and their business--like Ebenezer Scrooge
TRUE STORY: Pastor's dad was a high-ranking employee of DuPont who did business with presidents of nations and corporations.
He and his co-workers stayed and dined in 5-star hotels and "lived the life;" However, all pastor's dad's friends were miserable
because they all sacrificed family for work.
- Therefore, prayers are not to grant the personal desire and exploitation of material/earthly goods.
If you asked but did not receive, perhaps it wasn't the right thing to ask for
- John 15:7: "If ye abide in me"
- Psalm 37:4: Continue in the joyful recognition (by going to church) and public acknowledgement of His perfect sacrifice
- 1 Corinthians 6:20: Jesus' sacrifice (crucifixion) was to buy back your soul your hell (thus you have been bought with a
great price and now belong to God--both body and soul)
- Hebrews 10:25: This is God's directive to attend church--to fellowship together as one and rejoice
in the victory and promises of God's Word
- 100% dependency on Jesus (fully abiding in Him)
- 2 Corinthians 12:9: Paul rejoiced in his weakness and not his strength because God said His strength is
perfected in man's weakness; thus Paul rejoiced always being 100% dependent on God and not himself, his possessions and his
fellow man
- Most people in this world are not church-going because they believe they're "not weak" and thus don't need church
but this pastor is proud to admit he's weak and needs Jesus constantly
- Draw from His fullness
- Fully believe (have faith) in His completeness and sufficiency to provide for you
- John 15:10: "If ye keep my commandments..."
- (The many commandments exist not to take the fun out of life but because God wants you to stay out of sin and danger)
- His commandments are not limited to the "Ten Commandments" but rather all directives in all scriptures that comprise
the entire Bible
- Your love for God is tested through your obedience to the Bible; it's like marriage: talk in itself is cheap (even Satan
acknowledges God exists) but talk must be proven with action
- Now there are those who are obedient but without love or joy; they are those who come to church because it's duty and sing
without emotion and listen to the sermon "in one ear and out the other"--these are the people who turn into basketcases the moment
they leave church
- Matthew 28:19: An example of proving your love and obedience is publicly proclaiming the name of Christ
to this world, per this verse in scripture
- Various commandments from the book of Ephesians:
- Ephesians 4:26: Do not go to bed angry
- Ephesians 4:32: Be kind to and forgive others just as God has forgiven you for your trespasses against Him
- Ephesians 4:29 and 5:4: No crude or foul joking
- Ephesians 5:2: Remain a virgin until your wedding
- Ephesians 5:22-25: Parents--honor your marriage
- Ephesians 6:1: Children--honor your parents
- True love is the desire--not unemotional duty--to get involved in the church
- Matthew 26:39: Jesus not only loved His Father but obeyed Him over His own wishes
- Therefore, you cannot have "power in prayer" until you have 1. communion (fellowship) in Jesus and 2.
obedience and love/desire to do what the Bible instructs you--then you'll know what to pray for that God will grant you
- John 6:38: You should want to do and speak the will of the Father who has sent you--to be a light in this
dark world (Matthew 5:14)
- John 8:28
- John 12:49
- John 14:10
- Don't ask for money, power or goods--ask for guidance on how to know the Father more personally;
how to please your Father; how your Father may be glorified by your actions
- By asking for your Father's will in your life, all you really need will be chosen and provided to you
by the Father
Psalm 37:4: If you feel God is ignoring your prayers, consider whether you truly have loved and obeyed Him (the condition
required for answered prayers); and if so, whether you're praying for things to glorify/satisfy yourself or the Father