August 30th, 2000, Wednesday Evening
"Contentment Through Conquest"
Doing all things through Christ
OPENING: Philippians 4:11-13, KJV
Romans 8:37: If we're to get any conquest, it has to be through
faith in Jesus Christ.
How can we experience victory without battles? God wants us to have victory
through all things. WHY? To have contentment and freedom of fear from all enemies
(not just people but including temptations and sin, as well).
Philippians 4:11: The context of Philippians 4:13
is found in this verse. The key is to be contented, as believers, in whatever mental
state we're in--every day. In other words, be happy and joyful to the Lord no matter
how (good or) bad life is treating you or how much you're suffering--mentally, physically,
financially, etc.
- Sometimes we want to him the self-pity tune, "Nobody knows.... the trouble
I've seen.... nobody knows... but Jesus." Rather, we should be singing in praise to the
Lord no matter how good or bad things are. The Lord has a purpose for you in all things.
- #1/4: Determine (through prayer) if God approves what you think you should do
- First consider the rationale behind your action. Is what you think you should
do going to glorify and please God?
- The only thing we have to do is what God tells us to do. Check (through
prayer) with Him before doing it.
- Colossians 3:17,23: Whatever you plan to do, it should be done
"unto" the Lord and not man. In other words, from performing minute tasks such as
vacuuming the carpet to being glorified by man in an awards presentation to you, give all
the praise of being able to work and receiving recognition back to God. Think of the Lord
as your direct supervisor in everything you do in life ... for He is.
- Philippians 4:9: Paul says we will prosper if we mimic what
we "learned, and received, and heard" he did. Now we weren't with him when Paul
did what he did--unless you read about his works throughout the New Testament beginning
with his conversion from Saul, the Christian persecutor, to Christ's disciple (beginning
in Acts 9:18).
- What does God require of us? Perhaps to be contented in this isolated, tiny
town called Alamogordo (NM). Perhaps he wants someone to lose weight so the "temple"
(your body) which the Lord resides (if you're saved)
may be strengthened for the Lord's work
- Colossians 3:22: Do, with your heart, what's pleasing to the
Lord, as opposed to trying to please man by what he literally sees you do. In other
words, don't fake working hard to impress your boss who's watching you. Genuinely
do what your superiors tell you--and do it with a heartfelt desire to please God.
- #2/4: If it is what the Lord wants you to do, do it "through Christ."
- 1 Corinthians 10:31: Take this verse, rather, as "what you
quit putting into your body--alcohol, smoking, 'fast food'" and say you won't do this
for yourself or to please your family--do it to please God.
- Hebrews 11: What you do is done through Christ--through the power of the Holy Spirit.
In other words, work through the "realms of faith" with the promises of God.
- Colossians 3:23-24: Remember your ultimate master is Christ.
Do your works and give thanks for completion unto Him.
- Conquest is done in the provisions of God
- God's provision to you comes in the form of two types of promises: principal
verses personal.
- PERSONAL: A personal promise is a promise from God you can't claim
right away (i.e., if the child your wife is giving birth to is a boy or a girl).
- PRINCIPAL: A principal promise is similar to what God promises the
Children of Israel--the Promised Land. They were told they would get it. Another
example of this type of promise is very simply, "you reap what you sew."
- If you think God's holding back on His promise to you or you doubt God,
then you won't put in your 100% effort in work toward the Lord.
- #4/4: Done with great patience
- Isaiah 40:29-31: "and to them that have no might he
increaseth strength." That verse alone is pretty powerful. The Lord will be
with you ... always (if you're saved).
- Even as the band Guns'n'Roses said, "All we need is just a little patience..."
- CONNECTION: Contentment through conquest is what the Lord requires us to do.
- If you don't do what you're supposed to do, you're grieving the Holy Spirit.
- We get contentment as we win victories.
- I.e., the Children of Israel were promised the Promised Land but didn't acquire
it until they conquered the land's enemies.
Create a list of everything you are battling in life. To the right of each item,
put the name of who wants you to win that battle (i.e., you, your parents, God, etc.)
Now prioritize that list; If it isn't God who wants you do to this, then perhaps you
need to rearrange your priorities so that what God wants you to win should be at the top
of your list (i.e., reading the bible, daily prayer) and take care of those other matters