• There's a difference between saying "I don't want to go to hell" and "I am going to heaven."

  • Many people believe many different ways in which one is "saved." Some say it's by doing many good works (i.e. charities and giving). Others say it's by fervent prayer. Still others think it's by simply "trying the best you can to lead a good, moral life." Doing all of the above will not get you one inch off this earth toward heaven.

  • John 14:18: You are not saved by anything other than by faith in Jesus Christ who cannot lie.

  • Romans 8:9: The spirit of God comes in the form of Jesus Christ. So if you don't have the spirit of Christ within you, you are not a part of Him. You are not a part of Christ if either you can't or won't live right. Differentiate between the flesh and the spirit, in this verse: The flesh is God's enemy. It is giving in to all the evils of this world. If you have been saved through Christ, then you are of the spirit and tempted by the flesh.

  • John 16:8: This is where God will bring the necessary repentance and salvation to the world. In this verse, repentance is where God must convict us of our sin. Judgment is God judging the Prince (Satan) of this world.

  • 2 Corinthians 7:9-10: Godly sorrow means you won't look to others to blame but you will convict yourself. When Judgment Day cometh, those who will be judged by Christ will try and blame everyone else for their actions.

  • Some profess to know God but are not truly sorry. EXAMPLE: You may not be sorry until you've been caught and receive the proper punishment (today, if it's physical punishment, it's called abuse).

  • Acts 11:18: Has Christ worked to change your life and your heart? Have you believed since you received? There's no reason the answer should be "no" because this verse says that Christ does not discriminate. Salvation is for both Jews and Gentiles.

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:1: Since God has received you and you believeth in him, you should walk in his footsteps to please him.

  • John 1:14: You don't need to put your faith in tangible, visible objects to believe in like the so-called weeping plant, bleeding statue of Mary, empty tomb, a cloth with a dark silhouette on it. Don't waste your money on any of that! Simply believing that this verse happened is enough. "And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." means that Jesus is the Word of God and He was born and lived among the world for a time.

  • Galatians 3:2,11: So once again--you are saved NOT by doing good works for others or following the law or living right! You are saved by faith!

  • Ephesians 4:30: Do not be sad or grieve. You should be very happy Jesus died for you. You are in Him until Redemption Day.

  • Ephesians 1:7: Once you believe, it cannot be brought out of you or removed.

  • John 14:16-18: You will never be left uncomforted.

  • Isaiah 26:3: Jesus trusts in us.

  • John 14:6: Jesus is your only pipeline to the Father.

  • The Ministry of the Holy Spirit of God is to direct believers. In most cases, we're directed by our flesh (the pleasures of this world).

  • The Holy Spirit's job is to take the words of the bible and teach/interpret it to us. The flesh says, "I don't want this!" The Spirit says, "But you need this!"

  • People can sing beautifully without the Holy Spirit but to sing with the Spirit is to be able to reach people's souls.

  • In the book of Malachi, God promises to speak to those who tithe.
  • You may not know how to pray, but God will intercede on your behalf because your Father in heaven knows what you want before you ask it.

  • Acts 1:8: We are directed to be witnesses to Jesus throughout the whole earth.

  • John 14:17: As the verse says, the Spirit is not everyone... but it could be for everyone. It's only for the believers. If any man not have the spirit of Christ, he is not saved or a believer--and vice versa.

  • Philippians 4:6: By this verse, you will have self-conviction of your sin and you won't want to rest until it's resolved. Remember, the Holy Spirit isn't for everyone--just the believers. Don't believe everything you hear. Just because something claims with their mouth they are saved doesn't make it true.