July 26th, 2000, Wednesday Evening
"Coming Closer to Christ our Savior"
It's those little things that count
OPENING: James 4:8, KJV
No matter how close to God we are, we can always draw closer.
Philippians 3:10: Even Paul who was a great Christian and heavily
used by God wanted to know Christ even more than humanly possible--more
intimately closer.
Folks today want to be saved but have no desire to
fellowship with Christ our Savior.
We are made nigh by the blood
of Jesus Christ who died for us all. (In other words, we have drawn nearer to Him.)
- Psalm 34:18
- Ephesians 2:13
WHY should we draw closer to Him?
- #1: REDEMPTION: Psalm 85:9: His salvation draws closer to those who fear Him (in
other words follow His commands).
- #2: RECONCILIATION: Psalm 145:18: The Lord will draw closer to those who call upon
Him in truth (meaning you can hide nothing from God).
- Revelation 3:20: God wants not just a relationship with you but
an intimate one ... a close one.
- To have sweet fellowship with the Lord
- Psalm 34:18: The closer you move toward Jesus Christ,
the more comfort you enjoy.
- Satan is not to be taken lightly. He can overcome any man or woman. However,
the Bible says if you call on Jesus Christ at that time, Satan will run from you.
- #5: PROTECTION: God knows when trouble has you so He invites you to
come closer--to draw nigh to Him. How can the Lord support you when you are far away from
What are the RESULTS of drawing closer to the Lord?
- We get His fellowship, support, and forgiveness
- James 4:8: This verse implies that you must stop first and turn
around. The Lord will then draw nigh to you.
- The closer you are to someone, the stronger the prayer and communication you
can have with them, right? Same in the case of the Lord.
HOW can we draw closer to the Lord?
- Ephesians 2:3: By the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus made the
first move now it's your turn. Read on!
- But conditions must be met in order to draw closer to God:
- Genesis 3:8-9: We must stop running from God and turn to Him.
God made the first move. The proof is with Adam and Eve in the Garden.
- Admit to yourself: You were like Adam and Eve once ... you tried to hide from
God. You didn't want to be approached by people who called themselves "Christians."
- Just as most parents want to draw closer to their kids then the kids to their
parents, God wants fellowship more with us than we want to with Him.
- It grieves and hurts the Holy Spirit when you don't want to spend time with
Him. It's like Jesus is knocking at your door and you say, "sorry, I don't have time
right now, maybe later" and you lock your door and drive away while Jesus just looks at
you with sadness in His eyes.
- If we continue to run from God, we will eventually "run out of room" (die)
without God catching you and then you will spend the rest of eternity burning in hell.
- Armstrongism is the belief you die and rise again so you can try and make your
wrongs right. This is contrary to the Bible.
- Psalm 34:8: You must have 100% trust in the Lord. Have full
assurance of your faith and take God at His word at face value.
- God doesn't put relationships on probation. His love is unconditional unlike
friends and animals. God has all the power in the universe but he wouldn't use it on you
if you angered him by sinning whereas a man with a machete would kill you for less than
angering him.
- James 4:8: As the verse says, you must pray for forgiveness
("cleanse your hands") and have a
contrite heart.
- Hebrews 10:22: This verse echos the same directive as James 4:8
- God loves truth and therefore cannot lie. It is impossible for God to lie.
- Matthew 15:8: Church service is a time to be 100% honest with God
and get cleaned. You are not just in a church--you're in the house of God
WHO can draw closer to Him?
- First and foremost, those saved.
- Psalm 34:18: Those whose heart is broken.
- James 4:8: Those who draw closer to Him.
- Psalm 145:18: Those who call upon the Lord in truth (which
takes courage)
Are you any closer to Christ since you've been