April 26th, 2000, Wednesday Evening
"The Father's Business"
It's not His job--it's ours
OPENING: Luke 2:49, KJV
When the topic of religion is "risen" (haha), many people say that Sisters and Popes
do good works. Pastors and choir members do good works; Performing jail ministry and
helping those in need in third-world countries are good works.
However, almost no one mentions "witnessing" or "Jesus' teaching" as good works.
Doing good works is not limited to those appointed in positions of speaking authority. It's
a charge upon every one on this earth by the Lord.
God wants us to serve just like His Son. Jesus did teach, pray, and serve,
and he knew ahead of time that his works would lead to his crucifixion.
Don't expect anything in return for your lifetime of service to God--other
than treasures in heaven. Conducting the Father's business is THE #1 priority.
- #1: WHAT is the Father's
- The boundary encompasses both heaven and earth. Just as we perform the Father's
business down here, Jesus, the foreman, is in heaven at this very moment overseeing the
construction of our heavenly homes
- SOULWINNING is at the center of God's heart. God has always been in this
- Matthew 28:19-20: This is one definition of "soulwinning."
- Matthew 18:4: What to expect in return for performing this work.
- 2 Peter 3:9: The Lord's goal for everyone in this world.
- Ezekiel 18:32: God is about living not dying. Many can argue
that God used death to settle sin, in the Old Testament (before Jesus). However, dying
is brought about by man's transgressions. This verse proves God does not enjoy
killing. Death, however, is not unnecessary. Jesus used death (His crucifixion) to
conquer death so we all may live forever.
- #2: WHY do the Father's business?
- To edify the church
- To give glory to God
- Ephesians 4:11-16: For the above two reasons are why we are
given gifts by God. But you ask--what gifts? God has given us gifts? I never received
any mail from Him! Not tangible, visible gifts but professions! Read this passage so
you may understand what a gift is. It's an easy concept. You're given a "gift" for
the benefit of God.
- God gave us a gift not for our benefit but to edify His church and bring him
the glory.
- Once we stop serving each other, we stop using our gifts for each other.
Our church will shrivel and die!
- We must use our gift to the capacity in which God gave us. God never
tasks us with more than we can handle.
- We've been given gifts for the sole purpose of His glory not ours. If WE get
glory or praise from others, this is misuse of your gift. It's personal profit and it
belongs to God. Pass it from you to Him.
- 1 Peter 4:11: We need to persuade men as Christ did by using
His words. What words did Christ use? Don't memorize His words from the New Testament.
If you believe, God will speak through you as you minister.
- #3: WHO, specifically, does the Father's business?
- Galatians 5:13: Everybody. This verse is proof we all
have been called by God to target the flesh (men).
- 1 Corinthians 15:51-58: It doesn't matter how many years or
how many seconds we have left on earth before the Rapture, God says, "go, ye! now!"
Read this motivating verse. It foretells the beginning of the Rapture when it arrives.
- #4: HOW LONG do we perform the Father's business?
- Luke 19:13: Nobody knows when Jesus will return--not even Jesus
Himself. God makes that determination.
Ephesians 2:8:
Grace. Another gift from God
already given us.