November 1st, 2000, Wednesday Evening
"Defining the Doctrine of Justification of the Faith"
Interpreting the "Heart of the Gospel" - part 3
OPENING: Galatians 1:4-9, KJV
Studying this epistle (the entire book--all 6 chapters) will
- aid you in witnessing
- prove that good works don't get you into heaven
- arm you for attacks from false doctrine
RECAP FROM LAST WEEK: The churches in Galatia are being led away by false teachers.
Souls are at stake and there is no greater property (Mark 8:36-37).
Therefore, Paul had no choice but to write to those churches in Galatia.
Some people joke (supposedly) and say to others they'd give their soul or life
to play golf tomorrow morning or to get that new car, etc. But in actuality, fame, fortune,
and fun that people exchange for their soul in not worth an eternity in hell.
WHERE WE LEFT OFF: Paul reminds the church the message/works of Jesus
Christ in that He gave His life for our sins.
1 Corinthians 15:1-2: Paul exhorts
us to remember and practice the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died for the PURPOSE
of delivering us from this present evil world AND to pay for our sins--past, present, and future.
All we can do is confess and believe we're forgiven (if saved)
because we can't undo what we've done.
Romans 6:7: Once saved,
you can't blame sin for making you do bad things anymore. It is your will (in which you
can overcome) that is to blame for your sin.
1 John 2:15: Jesus Christ was sent to deliver us from the
pollutions/evils of this world. Therefore, if you love the world and what's within, you cannot
love the Father.
Galatians 1:4: GOD's will is that we abstain from the appearance
from all evil. Do you understand? NOT only to refrain from DOING evil but to stay away
from even the APPEARANCE of it.
How do we know--what is the proof GOD exists? Faith. Period.
There is joy in the presence of all angels and GOD when one sinner is
saved. Why all this joy just for one when there are
over six billion in the world? Because it's the same as when a shepherd rejoices when
he's found that one wayward sheep from his flock of one thousand. Just like how relieved
and happy you feel when you find your lost car keys or TV remote in a house of a thousand
Galatians 1:6-9: Paul "marvel"s in that he is perplexed--doesn't
understand--after being saved by grace how so
quickly and easily the people can turn from GOD's word.
- When you go contrary to sound doctrine (GOD's word), when you don't listen to
what your pastor says from the Book in church, you're rejecting GOD--not the pastor.
Galatians 1:7: There is no other Gospel by which you
can be saved by
We've been warned by GOD by other false prophets/teachers bringing their own
- Examples of false doctrine (little adds/subtracts from the Bible all based
and concluded on assumptions and theory):
- Another Jesus is preached today by "Echiminical Christians" who embrace all
Christianity apart from doctrine; EXAMPLE: gay Christians are accepted as much
as any other denomination of Christian
- "Messianic Christians" think they're special because they are Jews--GOD's chosen
people. This is FALSE in that we're all blood-purchased and we are all special.
- Muslims (Islam) believe Jesus Christ loved/died for Allah so we should die for
our cause as well.
- Death of Jesus Christ is insufficient. More is needed than love and grace.
Not enough to be saved but water brings savings.
- Some churches believe membership is required and must follow through rituals
before entering church such as the Old Testament law of circumcision.
- Person must WORK to keep the rules/regulations of GOD.
- All cults have a common thread--to attack the grace of GOD.
- Acts 15:24: False teachers would add to/take away bible scripture
for the PURPOSE of getting others to doubt the true Gospel and follow that false teacher.
This passage of scripture is an example of.
- Galatians 1:8-9: Paul's warning is so forceful and stern, he
repeats verse 8 in verse 9. Paul addresses this warning from "we" as opposed to "I" because
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is more important than one person. Notice in verse 8 even goes
so far so say "or an angel from heaven" (even if it was Michael or Gabriel).
The Gospel is just that unique and solid.
- Matthew 7:15-16
- 1 John 4:1
- Romans 16:17-18
- Some televangelists have a real smooth sounding voice. Some have a charisma
about them that is deceiving.
- 2 Corinthians 11:13,15
- 1 Timothy 1:3-7
- An example of a false teaching: "Jesus Christ loves all but loves the
righteous and obedient even more." This opens doors to prejudice. Jesus Christ loves
all people equally--the Jew and the Gentile.
- Doing what Jesus Christ did will not save you (as some who believe it does).
To hang/crucify yourself is to pay for your own sins. The penalty for sin is death in hell.
That's why Jesus died for us--so we didn't have to do it ourselves--to pay the eternal price.
Galatians 1:1-9: False teaching is a grave matter. You must be
steadfast--do not bag-up, put-up, or shutup; Simply, ONLY the Gospel of GOD's grace
of birth/resurrection/death of Jesus Christ can save;
ALL other doctrine will bring trouble, confusion, and division to the church
2 John 10-11: It's our responsibility to contradict false doctrine
and not to bid good journey to those who do.