• INTRODUCTION: The world keeps tugging at you with its pleasures and claims of an easy life--and the masses (the lost souls who don't know the truth) willingly follow
  • With all the overwhelming evils, carnal pleasures and anti-Christianity growing the world, what's to keep you--the spiritually saved minority--focused?
  • SELF-EXAMINATION: Does Jesus Christ live inside you and do you live by faith? The answer lies in what you do when you leave church today; the answer lies in how you act in public and deal with crisis and tough times

  • No one deserves or has earned Heaven (Romans 3:23); We all deserve to pay for our transgression against God--which is death; but Jesus willingly paid the price of your sin because He loves you and wants you to join Him in Heaven (John 3:16)

  • Because you recognize you're saved, that Jesus now lives within you and that you live simply by faith, you can deal with the world correctly:
  • God's provisions give your life meaning, direction and happiness; the world's will make you unhappy

  • Galatians 2:20: When you are "crucified with Christ" (become saved), your old self has died, Jesus enters you and you're now part of the eternal family in Heaven--stand up to this now-strange world and represent!