• Following (or not breaking) the law does not justify you or earn you merit by those who establish the law
  • Doing your duty (including obeying the law) means you did the minimum of what was required of you; it doesn't mean you enjoyed it or put love or care into it

  • Ephesians 6:6: God doesn't want you to obey him out of duty but--as He says--"from the heart"; in other words, to obey Him because you love Him and desire to do His will
  • John 5:30: Jesus is one example of a Son who proclaims he desires not his own desires but the will of His Father
  • And God, in turn, takes care of those who obey Him
  • John 15:10,12 and 1 John 3:23: These two verses read that God says to, "keep my commandments"--not solely the 10 Commandments; it's not to be a Jevovah's Witness; it's not completing the (man-made) Catholic sacraments; it's not a vow of silence; it's not the Baptists' conventional phrase of "don't drink, dance, smoke or chew or be with girls who do;" it's simply to "believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ" and "love one another" just as Jesus loved you first
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: To love one another doesn't mean you can never get upset, angry, frustrated, etc.; God understands this and has said there are appropriate times for all emotions:
  • Anyone can say they love or have faith in God but it is their deeds and actions that prove their love/faith
  • If you're truly abiding in God and following His will for you, you cannot help but do two things:
  • (ASIDE: Of the 10 Commandments, 1-4 are about loving God with all your heart, soul and mind while 5-10 are about loving your neighbor)

  • Never having broken the law, never having missed a Sunday of church, joining/leading a globally recognized religious organization and/or completing a life-long checklist of requirements for a spiritual promotion or reward or being baptized do not prove you love God; abiding in and loving God and your fellow man is the proof of faith and single commandment that will result in a successful earthly life and an everlasting spiritual life, after this world

  • What's the worth or value of a human being? The worth is what you pay for it--and Jesus paid with His life
  • So now that you know all that's required to have eternal life and happiness on earth is to believe in God, in His Son's death and resurrection (having faith), love (and obey) them and love your fellow man, are you abiding in God?