June 20th, 2004, Sunday Morning
Father's Day
"Never Lose Heart"
In success and in the midst of failure, pray always, seeking humility, patience and faith
OPENING: Luke 18:1-8
INTRODUCTION:: What prayer IS:
- NOT for show; we are not praying so others can see us (unlike the Pharisees in Luke 18:9-14)
- Intimate communication between you and the Father in Heaven
- Real conversation--not a bunch of phrases repeated over and over (Matthew 6:7)
- We are to have such faith and love for God that we want to seek Him in prayer
- We come humbly--not righteously--before God because we are sinners saved by grace
- Always seeking mercy from the God of mercy
- We are reminded over and over it seems of how evil is rampant in the world in which we live. We saw it in the
beheading death of American Nick Berg, Paul Johnson and now South Korean Kim Sun-Il, at the hands of terrorists.
Prayer to the father is how we live in the midst of the evilness of the world.
- Operation IRAQI FREEDOM ground patrol story (which you won't see on the news):
- In Fallujah, a classic rear ambush pins down a group of soldiers while to the front of the mechanized (humvee) unit
is a trench with soldiers firing from the front
- With no route for escape and the potential loss of all his men, the commanding officer orders the humvee to ram the
trench and then evacuate the humvee and shoot as many enemies as possible
- Purportedly, every single enemy in the trench was killed by the American soldiers
- Any time is appropriate
- 1 Thessolonians 5:17: "Pray without ceasing."
- Ephesians 6:18: Pray not only for your needs but for the needs of your fellow man--especially your
saved brothers and sisters in Christ
- Do not take this literally--it does not mean to seal yourself in a Monestary and pray 24 hours a day--that would turn
you into a "basketcase;" it means every moment you are in the world, there is something to be praying and/or thankful for:
- Daily things: strength to survive another day in the world; food, clothing and shelter; a job; living in America
- Extraordinary things: accomplishing what doctors you told was impossible (Matthew 19:26); your successes, awards and that job promotion
- People: Your family who loves you, childhood friends, wishing for and thanking God for the success/promotion others receive
- Needs: daily wisdom and protection from God; all the lost souls of the world to be saved; soon return of Christ (for the Rapture)
- Matthew Henry, a religious commentator, makes several observations about prayer:
- He assumes God's people are a praying people
- We are to be both constant and occasional in prayer
- It is our privilege and honor we get to pray directly to God
- In Old Testament times (before Jesus), man--a sinner--was not worthy enough to pray directly to God;
All prayers were given from the people Israel to a "high priest" who was the only person accepted to enter the temple and petition
the people's prayers to God (I.e., Moses was the pipe between Israel and God, as in Numbers 21:7)
- It is "wrestling" with God because while man needs vacation and rest from the world, he should not need a "vacation from God"
- The Puritans were taught prayer was critical
- John Trapp: God never denied the soul anything it really needs
(vs. man's superfluous "wants"/desires) (Matthew 21:22)
- John Flavel: That which begins not with prayer seldom winds up with comfort
- APPLICATION: Why prayer?
- Because you can accomplish nothing by yourself and, moreover, with God, you can accomplish
the impossible and prove God to naysayers and disbelievers (hopefully winning them over to God)
- Your prayer can help that widow: the weakest person with no influence, money or help
- Desperate or normal situations in life call for God to provide all answers, solutions and comforts
- The Bible teaches us never to completely lose faith
- 2 Corinthians 4:1: Because of God's mercy, "we faint not" (meaning we don't lose heart)
- 2 Corinthians 4:16: While our human body slowly dies each day, our soul is renewed daily because of
the hope God promises us in the verses of the Bible
- Galatians 6:9: Do not become tired of doing good to others and you will be rewarded;
There will come a day when all work will be done, forever, and you will not get a second chance to go back and
make up for lost moments
- Ephesians 3:13: Do not lose faith or your temper over the trials and tribulations God
places before you in life--overcome them with prayer, patience and joy to not only prove to the world what a Christian is but
to receive approval from God
- There exists the ever-present danger of quitting in our prayers and subsequently missing out on God's blessings
- In America, we live in such a "fast food" and "instant satisfaction" age because the capability now exists; and when
man is content and possesses all his desires, he forgets about God and believes in self-sufficiency
- Post-9/14: Immediately following, Congress corporately prayed "GOD bless America," publicly, on the steps of the Capitol
and CBS even printed "A Mighty Fortress is our God" on public television
- And weeks after the immediate memory of 9/11 happens, man, once again, turns from God because life has returned to
"normal" and continues his anti-Christian movement, i.e., the November 2003 removal of the Ten Commandments monument from the steps of the Alabama supreme
courthouse, REFERENCE: 14 Nov 03 CNN.com Law Center: Ten Commandments judge removed from office)
- Exodus 16:35: God made the Egypt-exiled Israelites roam the wilderness for forty years before bringing
them to the Promised Land because of their disbelief and disobedience
- Pray for God's answers to occur in HIS perfect time--not yours (which is normally "right now")
- Most people do not last long enough to see the completion of God's work
- Genesis 32:24-28: An angel, in the form of a man, wrestled with Jacob (later named "Israel") and even though
God gave Jacob a handicap, Jacob would not quit wrestling God until he received a blessing from God
- Matthew 7:7-8: The Lord will bless those who stay faithful and continue to seek Him--even in bad times
- In a losing situation, prayer guarantees you a way out while quitting guarantees you no way out
- Proverbs 12:15 and 16:2: Most quit when they do not get their way or at first failure; Man does not understand his way is not the best way but
that God's way, in His pre-designated time, is the right way
- Luke 18:1-5: If an unrighteous judge who hates man and doesn't fear God eventually helps avenge a poor
woman, out of spite for her, how much more will a God who loves you help you?
- Matthew 7:11: If evil (unsaved) people know how to give gifts to each other and their children, how much
more shall God gives you the things you desire? (if you're saved)
- Romans 12:19: God will justify and avenge you--when He declares the time is right
- God helps those who call upon Him (by praying); not praying in all things results in missed blessings and opportunities
- Romans 8:28: God causes all the bad and good things that happen to us to ultimately end in an overall good
- Why would God allow bad things to happen to people (especially obedient ones)? Possible reasons:
- Proverbs 3:11-12: The Lord disciplines and corrects whom He loves (vs. a world that doesn't believe in
physical punishment upon children)
- 2 Thessolonians 1:4: To test our faith in times of persecution and tribulation and, if true to God through it, to
be a testimony to the world how a true Christian positively reacts to terrible times
- Perhaps one explanation for the abnormal suffering and casualty rate in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM is
due to America turning away from God
Help comes to the one who truly seeks the Lord, not to the one who quits when events don't work out in their favor
When Christ returns to Earth for His saved children (the Rapture), he's not seeking the "perfect", totally law-abiding
people; He's seeking those who earnestly seek Him
The living God of this universe hears your non-verbal communication--He knows your every thought
Life is not complicated--people just quit too soon; Your life's goal should be to struggle and strive for God so His
opening words to you upon His return are, "well done, thou good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21)