The Laws of the Harvest#1: Reap only what's been sewnIf you sew zero, you reap zero.We're always sewing something right at this moment--either sewing belief or unbelief. #2: Reap the same in kind as you sewIf you plant little tomatoes, don't expect to reap large watermelons.#3: Reap in different season than you sewEcclesiastes 8:11: This is why it's so important to discipline evil right away. A person who sins and is not immediately corrected believes it is OK to continue the evil he/she does. Prison is not meant to be rehab but punishment. Rehabilitation is a bi-product. EXAMPLE: If one is sexually promiscuous and contracts the HIV virus, it incubates for 3-7 years ... it "bears fruit" in a different season.#4: You'll reap more than you sewIf you sew a little hated, you'll get much hated back. If you sew one lie, you'll teach many to lie forever.#5: We reap in proportion to what we sewIf we plant one grape seed, the seed will bear vines of clusters of grapes. GOD has left it up to man to sew. So we will either sew a little, a lot, or not at all so that man can consider, for himself, the consequences of his actions.#6: We reap the full good if we persevereIf anything grows in your seed-planted garden other than fruits from that seed (i.e., weeds), remove them. Take care of the good over the bad. Parents don't have to sew wickedness into their children--the world will do that for you.Ephesians 4:29: We must also be watchful of what seed come out of our mouth--how we speak. #7: We cannot do anything about last year's harvest; but we can for next year's.What's done is done ... we cannot change the past but simply move on. |