Love is patient
The test lies in how you respond to people forgetting you or not doing what you ask
Love is kind
Making others more important than yourself; otherwise, no humility = tendency to be mean
You're looking to help others and meet their needs
How you speak to strangers in the supermarket or in traffic
It does not envy
1 Corinthians 12:26: You're happy for another's promotion
It does not boast
We would like to drive the best car, live in the best house, raise the best kids but our purpose in life is to serve and bring glory
and honor to God--not ourselves (John 3:30)
It is not proud
Ecclesiastes 10:12: A wise man keeps his words to a minimum
It is not rude
To act unbecomingly is to lose self-control
It is not self-seeking
It is not easily angered
Proverbs 16:32: Per the Bible, it's better to be slow to anger than quick to anger and conquer the entire city
Numbers 20:7-12: Because Moses lost his temper and disobeyed the Lord by striking the rock instead of speaking to it, God
forbid Moses from entering into the Promised Land with the rest of Israel
It keeps no record of wrongs
It means not even reminding others of what you've forgiven them for
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
It always protects
Always trusts, hopes and perseveres